Here are the initial sketches for my comic book. My title is a work in progress - I am not sure if I like it. I am also thinking about revising the story, I don't know if it makes enough sense or not.
So far, this is what I have for the cover. It definitely still needs a lot of work. I need to put some dots on the butterfly but I am not sure if I want them like I had them drawn. I also need to decide what to do in the background. I think I want to have the same background for each page, but need help deciding what to do there. I am also considering doing the cover words in cursive and adding a smaller version of the butterfly up there with it.
Again, this is a very rough idea of how I want the leaf and the caterpillar to look. I want them to be very abstract, hence why the caterpillar is purple instead of a more realistic caterpillar color. I'm not sure if this is what a "storyboard" consists of, but it's what I have so far. It definitely needs to be spruced up quite a bit for the final project.