Monday, September 26, 2016

Artist Statement

      Art is something that I have always been passionate about. As a child, I was always drawing/coloring, or trying to find new ways to be creative. In 2012, I found my niche within the art community – photography. I believe that photography is my niche because it is something I am really good at. I have always received compliments on my pictures, which is what inspired me to keep going. I started taking pictures whenever I would go someplace, or I would have my sister pose for me. I kept going, and am now working towards a goal of owning a photography business. My main goal with my photography is to make myself and others feel. I want my photographs to bring about some type of feeling to the person viewing it, whether it be nostalgia, joy, or something else entirely.
     When I am preparing for a shoot, whether it be landscapes or people portraits, I like to gather some inspiration instead of jumping right in. If I am doing landscapes, I like to research the place a bit before I go just to get the layout of the area, as well as to learn the history of the place. When I am doing portraits, I make sure to communicate with the person(s) beforehand to make sure we’re on the same page with what we want out of the shoot. I also like to make sure to have them decide what type of shoot they want to do. For example, if they want to use props, or where they want their photographs taken location wise. My favorite type of photography is digital, although I have dabbled a bit with using a darkroom. I prefer digital, however, because it can be hard to find a darkroom and the chemicals needed if you don't have those easily accessible to you.
    Currently, I am working on pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I used to be really shy when taking photographs. If there was a lot of people at a place where I was wanting to do landscape, it would make me freeze up and not want to take the photographs anymore. I was also really shy with doing portraits. I started out taking portraits of my sister, and her and I both noticed that I wouldn’t give direction. I would just snap away and hope she knew how I wanted her to pose. However, when I started taking photographs of other people, I had to correct that. It is something that I have gotten a lot better with. This past weekend, I really pushed myself and did a shoot for my cousin. This shoot was different than anything I had ever done before, as it was a breastfeeding shoot. It was an amazing experience, and I am so glad I got to push myself enough to capture that special moment between my cousin and her baby. I hope that in the future, I can continue to thrive and am successful when it comes to my goals.